Octopia is a spin-off of Cdiscount Group (which belongs to Casino Group).
The main purpose is to enhance a marketplace between Merchants and Sellers.
Problem : Not the same mindset for conception.
Casino Group needed the whole specifications whereas Octopia wanted to start with MVP and iterate on the whole API interfaces.
At the end of 2020 (between Christmas and New year), Jean-Charles NAOURI, CEO of Casino Group asked to his casino team to start a PoC with Octopia before Q2.
—> the challenge were to animate a 3-day session, in the beginning of January (5th and 6th)
to reach a consensus on 10 API interface contracts
The workshops were very constructive. With a shared vision and motivated, dynamic teams, we are confident about the future.
I appreciate the relationship with you. Transparent coaching with feedback that inspires me.
The meetings with you are effective and allow me to take a step back from my duties.